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荷蘭研究型大學 VS 荷蘭應用科技大學








荷蘭的研究型大學走的是學術路線,學士課程只有三年,基本上不接受台灣高中畢業生申請,更不會接受高職畢業的學生。 因此有些大學預科(先修課程)是提供給台灣高中畢業生來銜接荷蘭研究型大學。


荷蘭應用型大學都接受台灣高中畢業生直接申請大學四年制的學士課程,可以選擇就讀有興趣的相關課程,這是最適合台灣高中畢業生的入學方式。 絕大多數荷蘭應用型大學的入學條件多半是台灣高中畢業文憑再加上雅思6分的成績。

荷蘭研究型大學與應用科技大學的特色差異介紹 1

The overview below sets out the most important differences between studying at a research university and at a university of applied sciences.

Research University 


Abstract, analytical skills, theoretical, asking questions.

The emphasis is on learning to look analytically and critically at the way a certain field can be approached.

You learn to present convincing oral and written arguments and to draw conclusions from them.


A university has a research duty alongside its teaching duties.

Because lecturers often also have research tasks, new knowledge and the process of academic research are dealt with in the lectures.

Less supervision

Own initiative, self-discipline, independence.

Universities not only have small-scale tutorials and projects, but also lectures for large groups of students.

There are greater demands on your self-discipline, but you also have more freedom to make your own choices in your study programme.

Relatively high teaching speed

You will be expected to be able to quickly process and understand the large amount of teaching material, often in English.

Internship or research

You will round off your degree programme with an internship or a research project.


Professions less clear in advance

After finishing your degree programme you can usually choose from various possible professions in the fields of research, management, administration and policy.

Personnel ads often ask for an ‘academic level of thinking’ rather than for specific knowledge.

University of Applied Sciences 


Concrete, practical.

Higher vocational education trains for a specific profession. You apply your knowledge and work in a solution-oriented way.

The training is directed towards the acquisition of competences.


The most important duty of a university of applied science is to provide teaching.

In addition, a great deal of attention is also paid to advisory work for businesses and institutions.

More supervision

The contacts with students are often more intensive. There are usually more contact hours, including compulsory ones, such as lectures and work groups.

Relatively relaxed teaching speed

More time is spent on each topic.

Internship or research

You can go on an internship during the entire degree programme.

Professions usually clear in advance

After you finish, you will usually end up in a white-collar job.

荷蘭研究型大學與應用科技大學的特色差異介紹 2


荷蘭研究型大學與應用科技大學的特色差異介紹 3

Why would I choose a professional Masters at a university of applied sciences over an academic Masters at a university? Is a professional Masters worth as much as an academic Masters? What is the difference?


Professor Gert-Jan Schuiling of HAN's research group ‘Learning in changing organisations' investigated the distinguishing features of professional Masters programmes in general and at HAN in particular. Schuiling: 'It is quite a daring enterprise to study your own legitimacy.' Because this is exactly what HAN Masters programmes has done.

A Master is a Master

Is a professional Masters worth as much as an academic Masters? This seems to be an essential question for most students. Schuiling: 'It certainly is. You obtain an officially recognised Masters degree, accredited by the NVAO. The level is equal, how you get there is different. University of applied sciences graduates always begin with an issue from their own professional practice.'


Several routes

What do you mean by a different way? 'After gaining a Bachelors degree at a university of applied sciences, most graduates start working. They gain experience in the field. As a result, they grow in their work and deal with ever more complex issues. To be able grasp these issues and respond to them better, a further theoretical and empirical foundation is necessary. The route of the professional Masters suits people who thrive in a practical setting and develop from there.'


Practice versus theory

Are there any more substantive differences between an academic Masters and a professional Masters? 'An academic Master carries out research based on a theoretical question and thus generates new scientific knowledge’, Gertjan Schuiling explains. ‘Whereas the professional Master contributes to the renewal of professional practice. Professional Masters always base their research on an issue from the work field. Just as education at a university of applied sciences is firmly embedded in professional practice, the professional Masters is devoted to improvement of professional practice. In the Masters programme, knowledge and practice are linked to scientific research. Whoever manages this is a fully fledged Master.’


Common interests

What type of people choose a professional Masters course? ‘Masters students at a university of applied sciences are professionals who contribute their own knowledge and experience during the programme’, Schuiling explains. ‘The departure point is improvement of professional practice. For this reason, a great deal of knowledge and experience is exchanged during the course. The ultimate aim is to improve the daily practice of the professional group in question. Anyone who is passionate about their profession gladly contributes to this.'









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