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Recruitment agencies in the Netherlands


TYPIN 荷蘭台灣專業青年協會

專為在荷讀書台灣人設計的職場交流的平台, 主辦在台灣專業青年就職研討會,提供在學學生在荷蘭尋找工作的管道,以及提供寶貴的面試經驗,提醒在學學生在荷蘭面試時應該注意的項目以及事前準備,提高當地就業機會並且縮短尋職的時間。


(TSN) Taiwan business families in the South Netherlands


Highly-skilled migrant, please link to:


For working as an employee, see:


For more information:


據荷蘭政府的規定,所有荷蘭留學生,無論學士還是碩士,畢業後都有額外一年的停留時間,用來在當地尋找工作。這個停留的一年叫做Search year (Orientation year),字面意思就是找工作年。



New scheme: Orientation year for highly educated persons


News item | 01-03-2016 | 15:34


The Netherlands attaches importance to giving highly skilled migrants the time to find a job or to start their own business in the Netherlands after completing their studies.


As of 1 March 2016, the policy for highly educated persons has been changed. The orientation year for highly educated persons and the orientation year for graduates are now combined into one single scheme: 'The orientation year for highly educated persons’. The scheme applies to all graduated students in the Netherlands and students who have graduated from a top university abroad.

The residence permit orientation year for highly educated persons can be submitted within 3 years after completing the studies, or after obtaining the PhD. Under the old scheme, orientation year for graduates, this was limited to 1 year after having graduated.

The new scheme gives those graduated in the Netherlands the opportunity to first return to their country of origin after having completed their studies, and to then come back again to the Netherlands.

The employment status on the residence permit for the orientation year for highly educated persons states that work is allowed without restrictions, a work permit (TWV) is not required. This means that the holder of a residence permit orientation year for highly educated persons is allowed to work in the Netherlands free from any restrictions.

The new scheme does not only apply to students; scientific researchers may also apply for a residence permit orientation year for highly educated persons.

Read more about the orientation year for highly educated persons.


Looking for a job after study, promotion or research

You have graduaded and wish to find a job or start your own company. You live abroad or are still in the Netherlands. You need a residence permit 'orientation year highly educated persons'. What are the conditions and how do you apply?

Other conditions apply to persons with the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and their family members.



There are certain conditions that apply to everyone. In addition, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You have not previously had a residence permit to look for work after having completed your study, doctoral programme or scientific research. Have you completed various programmes of study, doctoral programmes or scientific researches? The orientation year can be granted after each completed programme of study, doctoral programme or scientific research. However, this programme of study, doctoral programme or scientific research must have been completed after your previous orientation year.

  • In the past 3 years you have:

    • completed an accredited Bachelor's or Master's programme in the Netherlands; or

    • done scientific research. You have had a residence permit for the purpose of scientific research within the meaning of EU Directive 2005/71/EC  in the Netherlands or have had a residence permit as a highly skilled migrant to undertake scientific research in the Netherlands; or

    • completed a postdoctoral programme of at least an academic year (a minimum of 10 months) in the Netherlands; or

    • completed a study in relation to the Cultural Policy Act; or

    • completed a study that is provided in relation to the development cooperation policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; or

    • obtained a Master's degree in the context of an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course; or

    • completed a higher education programme designated by Ministerial Decree; or

    • you have completed a Master's or postdoctoral programme or obtained a PhD at a designated international educational institution* abroad and you:

*A designated international educational institutions is listed in the top 200 of one of the general ranking lists or in the top 200 of one of the available ranking lists by faculty or by subject field of the:



Work and internships during your studies

For international students

For students from non-EU/EEA countries, there are strict rules for working in the Netherlands during your studies.


Part-time or seasonal work during your studies

  1. Students from non-EU/EEA countries need a work permit.

  2. This permit is free of charge.

  3. The number of hours you’re allowed to work in the Netherlands is restricted. Every calendar year, you must choose:

    • Seasonal work in June, July and August. Both part-time and full-time are allowed.

    • Part-time work throughout the year, but no more than 16 hours a week.

  4. You cannot do both.


Tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV

  1. In Dutch, a work permit is called a tewerkstellingsvergunning, often abbreviated to TWV.

  2. Your employer or employment agency must apply for a work permit for you. They can do so at the UWV, afdeling TWV, T: 088 898 20 70. You cannot do this yourself.

  3. Your employer or employment agency needs to apply for this work permit (TWV) at least 5 weeks prior to the start of your employment.

  4. It can take up to 5 weeks to process the application.

  5. You can give your employer the following links if they are not familiar with the TWV for student jobs.



From you, your future employer or employment agency needs the following two documents to accompany the application for a work permit:

  • A copy of the front and back of your residence permit for study purposes

  • Proof of enrolment



After the application has been processed, your employer will receive your work permit. You can ask your employer for a copy of your TWV for your own administration. Your work permit will be valid for the same time period as your registration at the university. Therefore, your employer needs to request a new work permit if you renew your registration at the university.

Working as a Freelancer/entrepreneur during your studies

Self-employed work by non-EU/EEA students and knowledge migrants is exempted from the TWV. You can be self-employed in addition to your studies, without needing a TWV work permit from UWV. However, you have to register with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

Remember that as a non-EU/EEA student, you need to comply with the conditions for your residence permit.

It also entails registering at the Dutch Tax office (Belastingdienst) and the Dutch Tax office collects tax 4 times a year on every product or service sold in the Netherlands.

The work permit obligation does still apply to non-EU/EEA (and Croatian) students wanting to pick up a part-time job or internship alongside their studies. EU students have free access to the Dutch labour market.


Internship regulations during your studies

An internship is a work placement or practical training arrangement designed to give you practical experience in the field of your study. It often offers a small financial compensation. Because an internship is a learning goal, this allowance is not regarded as a salary.

A traineeship, though, is a starter’s position for graduates with a normal salary, so a traineeship is not regarded as an internship.


For non-EU/EEA


Your internship needs to be part of your programme (elective or mandatory). Ask your study adviser or internship coordinator if the particular internship is regarded as relevant to your study programme.



  1. You have to continue to comply with the conditions of your residence permit.

  2. An EP-Nuffic internship agreement is compulsory. This a formal internship agreement between the intern, the internship provider (employer) and the university.

  3. The internship provider (employer) must be able to present this agreement to the Dutch Labour Inspectorate if asked to do so. Therefore, use of this internship agreement is not an option but compulsory.

  4. A copy of your passport and residence permit must be appended to this EP-Nuffic Internship agreement.

  5. You must give a copy to the administrative office of both the university and the internship provider (employer).

  6. Dutch basic health insurance is required during the time of your internship (a student insurance like AON is not allowed).

  7. Liability insurance is strongly advised.

  8. Often, the internship provider (company) has an internship contract in their own HR format that you need to sign.


Internships and insurance


When you receive financial compensation more then €150 per month or €1,500 per calendar year for your internship, it is considered a wage. In this case, you will need to take out basic Dutch health insurance. Basic health insurance is more expensive than private insurance, costing around €100 a month. For more information, follow the link below.


Volunteer work during your studies


If you want to contribute to society by doing volunteer work, you don’t need a work permit.

The Volunteer Declaration (Vrijwilligersverklaring) is sufficient. The Volunteer Declaration is aimed at asylum seekers, but also applies to international non-EU/EEA students who have a valid Dutch residence permit.

Under the Dutch Foreign Employment Act (Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen) voluntary work is also seen as labour.


For non-EU/EEA

  • Dutch Basic Health insurance is required during the time of your volunteering. A student insurance like AON is not sufficient.

  • Liability insurance is strongly advised strongly

  • The organisation where you’ll be volunteering needs to have a Volunteer Declaration: “Vrijwilligersverklaring”.

  • The organisation can apply for the Volunteer Declaration at UWV (the Employee Insurance Agency in the Netherlands). The declaration is valid for 3 years.

  • Please check beforehand if the organisation has such a Volunteer Declaration. Otherwise, you risk losing your residence permit.

Working after graduation

For international graduates

After graduating from the university, international students can stay in the Netherlands to find a job.

Apply yourself

  • You have to apply for a a permit for this so-called zoekjaar: an orientation year permit. This permit gives you access to the Dutch labour market.

  • You apply for the orientation year permit yourself at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), either before the expiration date of your student residence permit up to three years after graduating if you wish to travel abroad first.


Costs and validity

  • The fee for the orientation year application is €285.

  • This permit is valid for a maximum of 12 months.

  • With this permit you have unlimited access to the Dutch job market. A work permit is not needed.


Extension not possible

  • During your orientation year, you cannot apply for benefits from the Dutch state, such as welfare or unemployment benefits.

  • The orientation year cannot be extended, which means that if you don’t find employment in the Netherlands during this year, you will either have to leave the Netherlands or acquire another type of residence permit.

Orientation year permit

Information for international graduates

How to apply for an orientation year permit

  • You need to apply for the orientation year in the Netherlands yourself.

  • Go to the website of the IND to find all the information you need, as well as the actual application form Application for the purpose of residence looking for work and carrying out work whether or not as an employee.

  • For more information, you can also visit the website of Nuffic.


Apply while in the Netherlands: hand in your diploma

If you have not yet received your diploma when you visit the IND, you need to submit an IND appendix called Statement on completion of study. This is a declaration of graduation.


Apply while being abroad

If you’re living abroad and your previous residence permit has expired, you will need to start the procedure for Entry and Residence. In this procedure you apply for a provisional residence permit, i.e. your entry visa, and a residence permit simultaneously.

You can contact the Dutch embassy or consulate in your country of residence for more information.

Highly skilled migrants schemee

The goal of the orientation year is to find a job as a ‘highly skilled migrant’. You get a maximum of 12 months to find the position that allows you to stay in the Netherlands. Of course, some students manage to find this job right after they finish their study programme. If this is the case, you can skip the whole orientation year and apply directly for the residence permit as a highly skilled migrant. To be considered a highly skilled migrant, your employment needs to meet certain requirements:

  • Your employer has to be authorized to employ highly skilled migrants. You can find a list of these organisations on the IND website.

  • Your will need to have a gross annual salary of at least €26,931. This salary requirement for highly skilled migrants that have recently obtained their diploma in the Netherlands is considerably lower than the amount for highly skilled migrants that did not graduate in the Netherlands: for them, it’s €37,575 for employees under the age of 30 and €51,239 for employees of 30 years or older.

  • When you find a job that allows you to stay on as a highly skilled migrant, your company has to apply for your residence permit. You can’t do this yourself.


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