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Pre-departure meeting for studying in the Netherlands

Are you all ready to study in the Netherlands after the summer vacation? !
Since the admitted students have successively received relevant documents required by Dutch universities to cooperate in submitting visa applications, in order to avoid filling in errors and increase the trouble and delay the time for the school to apply for visas, we hold several small-scale briefings from January to June each year. Yes, to answer what you need to know when filling in the documents, and to share practical information about life in the Netherlands and local life. It will also answer any doubts you have about preparing before you leave.
This event serves all Taiwanese students in Dutch schools. It does not receive sponsorship from individual schools. Participants need to share the cost of the event. Please forgive me for this!
Activity process:
Part 1) Preparation of visa documents Part 2) Practical information on local life Part 3) Q&A time suitable for the target:
Students who have been admitted are welcome to register on the event page of the association:


Preparation before departure


After going through the application process and obtaining the admission permit, congratulations you can start preparing for your departure! The following pre-departure information will be slightly revised every year in accordance with the changes in the regulations. The Dutch Education Promotion Association holds pre-departure briefings in July and August every year. When you receive the admission notice from the school, please be sure to contact us ! As a prospective student, you must not miss it!


When you receive the admission notice from the school, please confirm with the school first:

  1. Student visa application

  2. Dormitory application

  3. Student insurance


Recommendations for student visa application: (The following information is for reference only. Please be sure to cooperate with the relevant regulations of the application school, the Netherlands Immigration Bureau and the Taipei Netherlands Office!)


The visa application related matters are divided into two stages:

  1. MVV application: When in Taiwan, apply through the school and confirm the required documents for the application. It is strongly recommended that students apply as soon as possible after obtaining the admission permit.

  2. Residence permit application: After arriving in the Netherlands, the school will assist in processing or provide relevant information. You must confirm the required documents with the school in advance and prepare relevant documents in Taiwan.

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For any questions about visa application, please contact the Visa Section of the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office


Dormitory application:

If you are participating in an exchange student program or enrolling in an international course, most schools will arrange accommodation for you. Hurry up and accept the school's arrangement, otherwise you will regret it in the future. Because it is not easy to find a place to live in the densely populated country of the Netherlands. Dutch students often look for rental housing outside the school. But these rooms are usually unfurnished, and the kitchen and bathroom equipment must be shared with others. If you like, you can also find such a room outside the school in a few months. Therefore, before you go abroad, be sure to ask the school whether it really helps you arrange accommodation in advance. If you arrive in the Netherlands but haven't found a place to stay, consult the International Relations Office or the President of the Student Council. At the same time, let your classmates know that you need a room.


Student Insurance:

Students must make sure that they have adequate insurance before departure. The school usually recommends insurance companies that are suitable for international students to insure, and provide students with detailed insurance regulations and instructions. As for international students who already have insurance in Taiwan, they must still apply to Taiwan's insurance company and carry with them a statement (in English) stating the insurance status. Generally speaking, because the insurance in Taiwan and the international student insurance recommended by the Dutch school cover different claim items, and the difference in the amount of claims is quite large, it is strongly recommended that students take out local student insurance. And if you are insured to the Netherlands but was not enough to pay the full amount of insurance liability and medical expenses, you will be forced to insurance.


General information on purchasing insurance can be found on the following websites:

References for Bringing Dependent Visa Application

Dutch Immigration Service

Visa application for family members:

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