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Summer courses

The summer courses of Dutch universities will cover language learning, business management, political economy, humanities and society, art and music, extracurricular activities, etc., and there are many types. Don't miss the summer courses at Dutch universities and have a deep understanding of the Dutch and European environment.


In order for us to provide accurate summer course information, please fill in the form below first. After we receive it, we will assist in providing the information as soon as possible.


All students who fill out the form will get advice and assistance from the Dutch Education Promotion Association before their departure in the summer vacation!


Form link:


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Dutch Education Promotion Association:



Utrecht University, ranked in the top 100 in the world, has a summer school attached to it

Utrecht University Summer School


Provides the Netherlands with the largest variety, largest scale, best service, and best environment in English teaching courses. You can also sign up for many student social and day trip activities in the course, so that you can meet more friends and have a deep understanding of the experience The Dutch environment.


Utrecht University Summer School also cooperates with the following universities:

Utrecht University of Arts Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

Other major partners include:

Free University of Berlin, Germany, Royal Dutch Academy, Rome Campus, Milan, Italy, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University, Milan, Italy


How to apply for summer courses:


1. Create a user account

Your online application first creates a personal account on the page: . After completing the form, you will receive an email with an activation link for your personal account.


Apply for one or more courses via After applying for the course, you will receive an email application confirmation.



Go to Utrecht University Summer School:


Amsterdam Airport Schiphol-Utrecht Central Station (33 minutes):


By train: Schiphol Railway Station is directly below the airport. You can collect free luggage trolleys from the platform. Train tickets or OV-chipkaart are available at yellow ticket machines or ticket offices near the Schiphol Plaza platform, which are close to the red/white check cubes at Schiphol Plaza. Trains leave for Utrecht every 15 minutes. Purchase a one-way ticket ("enkele reis") to Utrecht Central Station (€8,50). Intercity trains are faster than local trains ("stoptrein"). If you have any questions, you can always ask someone at the ticket office. You will soon notice that almost everyone in the Netherlands speaks English. For travel suggestions and timetables, you can also check:


Utrecht Central Station-Utrecht Summer School (10 minutes):


The Utrecht Summer School Office is located in the center of Utrecht and can be easily reached by bus from Utrecht Central Railway Station. Our office at Janskerkhof 30 is a small white building next to the entrance of the "Janskerk" church in the center of the square. You can buy a ticket (with cash) on the bus driver's bus or use an OV chip card. The following buses stop at the "Janskerkhof" bus stop: 2, 7, 8, 28, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 74 and 77.


Our office is a 1-minute walk from the bus stop. Our office is a small white building located next to the entrance of the "Janskerk" church in the center of the square.



Campus Internet Service:


Before the course starts, you will get a Solis-ID. This is the key or account you can use to access the Utrecht University Eduroam network. There will be Wi-Fi connections in the accommodation buildings arranged through the school.



Public transportation in Utrecht:


The summer school office sells a one-week ticket for 25 euros and a two-week ticket for 40 euros.

Public transportation in Utrecht is very organized, just like the rest of the Netherlands. The central point of Utrecht’s buses, trains and trams is Utrecht Central Station. Below the main hall of the train station, you can find the bus stop. There are Connexxion buses that connect to other cities in the Netherlands, and U-OV buses that are responsible for transportation in Utrecht. Trains can also be found at the station and they will take you to small cities around Utrecht and pass through the city on the way. However, buses are the more common way to travel in Utrecht. In the middle of the oval bus stop is an information desk where you can ask for travel information and buy'OV-chipkaart'; you can use the bust for several bus rides. When you enter the bus, you can also buy a one-way ticket for €2,80.


On the website, you can find bus timetables, specific to each bus stop (in Dutch) you may need. On the website, you can plan your route using various public transport in the Netherlands (in English).




The Netherlands is a country full of people...and their bikes! Every Dutchie has a bicycle. Or two, or even three, in case the other two fail. Cycling is the way to travel in Utrecht. The special bike path allows you to quickly reach the city center and find your way. If you stay for a few weeks and want to experience the Dutch lifestyle, I suggest you buy a bicycle. Make sure to use an extra lock to secure the bike in a place that cannot be easily removed, such as a tree!


Laag Catharijne rents bicycles for 7 euros/bicycle per day. Address: Catharijnesingel 34.



Other frequently asked questions about registration:


  1. When can I apply for summer courses?


Each course page mentions the deadline. If you apply after the stipulated deadline and the application is still open, you will be placed on a waiting list and the course schedule is based on the order of payment. If you want to be sure, please contact the contact person for the course. The email address and/or phone number of the course contact can be found on each course page under "More Information".


  1. I have applied for a course, what are the next steps?


Once you are accepted, you will receive an email with payment information. It is important to pay the course fees as soon as possible. Course registration will be based on the order of payment (first come first served). You can find information about the status of your application in your personal account. After payment, the school will notify the course to confirm the result.


  1. After applying for a course, when will the school provide more information?


After applying for the course, you will receive an application confirmation letter. The following procedures vary from course to course.


If the course leader needs more information from the student, you will be asked to upload these documents (e.g. resume, motivation letter, transcript). Information about the required documents can also be found on the course page. After completing the application by uploading the required additional information, the course leader will review your application and notify you of the result.


For some courses, the person in charge of the course decides to review the application after a certain date. In this case, you will have to wait for the decision of the course leader.


If no additional information is requested and there is no clear acceptance date on the website, the course leader will review your application as soon as possible. This may take several working days. If he/she wants to know about your background, the person in charge of the course will contact you via email.


After the course leader reviews your application, you will receive an email notification. If you have any questions about the status of your application, you can contact the course leader/contact.


  1. Do I need to take the TOEFL test?


The school does not require it. However, please note that the course is entirely in English. The school hopes that all students can actively participate in the discussion.


  1. Who can attend Utrecht summer school?


Utrecht Summer School is open to students with a minimum age of 18 years. Most courses only have age requirements and there is no restriction on student status to apply. However, there are some courses that only college students can sign up for, please refer to the course description.


  1. To register for a language course, you need to take an online test to confirm the appropriate course level. The following is a link to the test:





The following is a list of courses. Please click on the links for courses you are interested in to get more detailed information.

(Please download the Word format file so that you can click the link of the content course.)

Points to note when studying a language course in the Netherlands:


Regarding language learning and even short-term courses, can I apply to stay in the local area and study languages ​​continuously for six months to one year? In fact, the biggest problem is getting stuck in the visa. For general short-term courses, such as language courses (including Dutch, etc.), the maximum amount of visa-free travel in Europe cannot exceed three months. Moreover, once you have used up your three-month stay, you will have to wait another three months before you can enter Europe again. For short-term courses, Dutch universities cannot provide student visa assistance. Basically, they must be degree courses, such as bachelor's degree or master's degree courses, and the school may apply for student visas on their behalf.


Therefore, we suggest the easiest way is to choose a course length of less than three months.


In addition, in addition to the course fees for short-term courses in the Netherlands, there are relatively high rents for short-term accommodation, plus the cost of air tickets, etc., all of which need to be considered.

Regarding the part of learning Dutch, in fact, most people will tell you that if you are just studying and working in the Netherlands, Dutch is not necessarily necessary, because most Dutch people speak English very fluently. But if you want to be more integrated into the Dutch circle, or if you plan to marry the Dutch and you will settle permanently in the Netherlands, then it is necessary to learn Dutch. Some people are very sensitive and have no way to adapt to cultural differences; if you add language problems, it is easy to cause adaptation problems. But most of the students are going out to study and have a relatively open attitude, so there is no strong problem for these students whether they learn Dutch or not.


The part that requires the Dutch proficiency test is usually in the following state:

1. Want to get Dutch citizenship

2. Want to directly participate in a degree program taught in Dutch

3. A small number of jobs will require the level of the Dutch proficiency test.

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