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Dutch Taiwanese Student Community

Radboud University Taiwanese classmate Facebook community

Radboud University, the exclusive Facebook community in Taiwan, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask.

Taiwanese student Instagram of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

Tika Zone for Taiwanese students at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

Facebook of MBA alumni of The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Taiwanese in the Netherlands

This club provides a place for exchange and networking among Taiwanese friends in the Netherlands.

Taiwanese in Amsterdam

Provide a platform for Taiwanese people who are studying and working hard in Amsterdam to share information and events to meet and exchange

Societies in the Utrecht region

Let the Taiwanese students who come to Utrecht during the summer vacation communicate with each other, and share the experience of the predecessors who came to Utrecht before. Welcome to life information (including buying and selling, transportation, learning), everything in the Netherlands and Utrecht is available!

TU/e Taiwan Alumni Association

The Eindhoven Taiwanese Student Association is a place for Taiwanese students in Eindhoven to chat and make dinners and exchange feelings.

Maastricht Taiwan Alumni Association

Maastricht Taiwanese Student Union: A platform for Taiwanese heating in Maas/ A consulting platform for studying abroad in preparation for coming to Maas

Dutch Taiwanese Community

Taihe Art Collection

The purpose of the cross-domain exchange platform is to promote exchanges between Taiwanese artists in the Netherlands and share aesthetics in different art fields. Through the communication of social media and the appreciation of art activities, it will build an artistic bridge between Taiwan and the Netherlands.

Netherlands Taiwan Chamber of Commerce

Taiwanese Business Association in the Netherlands
Official website:

Holland Taiwan Folks Association

Entrance fan page for Taiwanese folks living in the Netherlands in Europe

If you have any updated information, please write to the association:

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