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Selected introductions to Dutch universities (Chinese version):

Leiden University

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen

The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Nyenrode Business Universiteit

HKU University of the Arts Utrecht

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

The University of Twente

Maastricht University

Tilburg University

University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Business

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Wageningen University

Groningen University

Utrecht University

University of Amsterdam

Eindhoven University of Technology

List of Dutch traditional comprehensive universities (research universities):

  1. Delft University of Technology

  2. Eindhoven University of Technology

  3. Erasmus University Rotterdam

  4. Leiden University

  5. Maastricht University

  6. Nyenrode Business Universiteit

  7. Open University

  8. Radboud University Nijmegen

  9. The Protestant Theological University

  10. TIAS School for Business and Society

  11. Tilburg University

  12. University of Amsterdam

  13. University of Groningen

  14. University of Humanistic Studies

  15. University of Twente

  16. Utrecht University

  17. VU Amsterdam

  18. Wageningen University and Research Centre

List of professional universities in the Netherlands:

  1. Amsterdam School of the Arts

  2. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

  3. ArtEZ Institute of the Arts

  4. Avans Hogeschool, University of Applied Sciences

  5. Business School Netherlands

  6. Business School Notenboom

  7. Christelijke Hogeschool Ede

  8. Christian University of Applied Sciences

  9. Codarts, University for the Arts

  10. Design Academy Eindhoven

  11. Driestar Hogeschool

  12. EuroCollege University Rotterdam

  13. Fontys University of Applied Sciences

  14. Gerrit Rietveld Academie

  15. HAN University of Applied Sciences

  16. Hanze University Groningen, University of Applied Sciences

  17. HAS Den Bosch University of Applied Sciences

  18. Hogeschool Edith Stein

  19. Back to top of page

  20. HKU University of the Arts Utrecht

  21. HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

  22. HZ University of Applied Sciences

  23. Hotelschool The Hague

  24. Inholland University of Applied Sciences

  25. Katholieke Pabo Zwolle, Teacher Training Institute

  26. New Business School Amsterdam

  27. NHL University of Applied Sciences

  28. NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

  29. Rotterdam University, University of Applied Sciences

  30. Saxion University of Applied Sciences

  31. STC-Group

  32. Stenden University of Applied Sciences

  33. The Hague University of Applied Sciences

  34. TIO University of Applied Sciences

  35. University of Applied Sciences Leiden

  36. University of the Arts, The Hague

  37. Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences

  38. Vilentum University of Applied Sciences

  39. Webster University, University of Applied Sciences

  40. Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

  41. Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences

  42. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

List of International Research Institutions:

  1. Maastricht School of Management

  2. KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)

  3. Tyndale Theological Seminary

  4. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

List of other institutions:

  1. Alterra-Centre for Water and Climate

  2. De Ateliers

  3. Berlage Institute, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture

  4. Central College

  5. Cito, Institute for Educational Measurement

  6. Duisenberg School of Finance

  7. International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA)

  8. The Hague Academy of Local Governance

  9. PTC+

  10. Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten

  11. RNTC

  12. MDF

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